
"How impressive – congratulations on a great TMR semester! These students should consider themselves blessed to be a part of the program."
…Vice President,  CB Richard Ellis
"Mike Bush has now founded TMR – The Minority Resource, which my firm is supporting.  This organization opens career opportunities for business-oriented minority college students. I encourage you to learn about TMR's excellent work for this group."
…Director,  Perkins+Will  Architects
"Thank you for allowing me to engage in the TMR Business Scholars Program.  It gave me insight on an industry that I had never considered. Hearing about different kinds of real estate careers, I see myself exploring that industry."
…Grinnell College '11 – TMR Business Scholar 2010
"I was in the TMR Scholars seat 3 years ago and can tell you that it helped greatly to hear industry professionals describe their career paths."
…Trust Officer,  NewTower Trust  (REAP Alum)
"You are amazing. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate all of your assistance."
…Howard University '10 – TMR Business Scholar 2010
"I can see the true benefit of being involved with TMR as a supporter, a student, and a future teacher and leader."
…Mall Manager,  Simon Property Group  (REAP Alum)
"Thanks again for your words of advice concerning my resume and career options."
…Graduate Student,  Georgetown University Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate
"Thank you for the passion you bring to the cause."
…Senior Vice President,  HSBC Bank
"You are a true pioneer."
…Vice President,  Duke Realty
"Thank you for the generous lifetime contribution you have made to our industry and society."
…President, Industry Trade Association

For a complimentary consultation or more information, contact:
Mike Bush, President
TMR – The Minority Resource